All music donated by the individual bands. Artwork donated by James Heimer. Storefront donated by Limited Pressing. Mastering by Nick Steinborn at Red Hand Recording
"Limited Pressing is very proud to be a part of the VS The Earthquake Japan Relief Comp. Music has always been there to help people through difficult times. Please don't make this an exception. You can show your support by donating what you can to help Japan through this terrible tragedy." -Nick and Tom from LP
"I've decided to donate my song Giants Sleeping, a song about my home in Pennsylvania, to benefit the Japanese relief effort. As a Japanese American, I'm very moved to see people come together to aid our brothers and sisters overseas and I can only hope that the global response to this event will help restore a sense of home to the communities facing this devastation." - Andrew of KOJI
"After hearing about the tragedies in Japan we knew we had to do something. One thing all of us in bands can do is provide music, raise awareness and money for the relief efforts. We submitted our acoustic version of the song "By A Thread" because it is about overcoming odds and having faith in humanity. It was the b-side from the Japan release of our album My Everest so we figured it was perfect for this cause. Please donate to this comp or to Red Cross directly. Anything helps and no one should ever have to feel the way they do right now. Thank you." -Jono of The Swellers
"I'm certain there's nothing we can say that speaks to the need for aid and assistance any better than the footage of the event itself and we've all seen it. The catastrophe itself speaks better to the need for help than anything else. In that way, you and everyone involved knows already that compassion is needed now, and downloading music is just a medium to do so, not a reason to be convinced. But it seems especially fitting to do so here, in this medium, because it brings us together around a thing founded on the same sense of community that is so desperately needed in Japan right now--the kind of community that loves and cares indiscriminately, and that comes together in a time of need to help where help is needed. We know where it's needed now, and we know how to help. Do your part to support the community in Japan, either here or elsewhere."- Jordan of La Dispute
1. The Wonder Years - Hey Julie (Fountains of Wayne Cover)
2. The Swellers - By a Thread (Acoustic B-Side)
3. I Call Fives - Everyone Knows (B-Side)
4. Mixtapes - Your Little Hoodrat Friend (Hold Steady Cover)
5. Citizen - Tracking Time (Acoustic)
6. I Am Alaska - Patriot
7. Koji - Giants Sleeping
8. Perfect Lines (ex- My Heart to Joy) - Crooked Tracks
9. Transit - Indoor Voices
10. Man Overboard - Different People (Rare Track)
11. Allison Weiss - Let Me Go (Live)
12. Balance and Composure - As Planned (Rare B-Side)
13. Valencia - Spinning Out (Acoustic)
14. Fox Fires (Members of FYS) - Dogma
15. Nix 86 - Why Can't You Stay (Live)
16. La Dispute - Why It Scares Me (Live in Brisbane 1/25/2011)
17. Save Your Breath - Stay Young
18. With The Punches - No Blood, No Foul
19. Daytrader - Living
20. Such Gold - I Hope You Die Soon/Ten Seconds too Late (Movielife Covers)
21. Bad News Bears- Where is Home
22. Title Fight - Western Haikus (Acoustic)
今回の震災で日本への救援活動のためにTHE WONDER YEARSのSoupyによって立ち上げられたという、スペシャルコンピレーションが発表されました。上記にも書かれてますが、すべてのバンドそれぞれから1曲ずつ寄付されています。
今作はデジタルリリースのみで、paypalを通じて募金すると(たった$5~金額の上限はありません)このコンピレーションがダウンロード出来ます。これだけの名だたるバンドが参加した、これだけの未発表曲やレア曲、ライブトラックなどが収録されたコンピレーションは他にないと思います。TITLE FIGHTとMAN OVERBOARDはレアなアコースティックトラック、TRANSITは最新作から、SUCH GOLDは先日の来日公演の初日に演奏していたMOVIELIFEのカバー曲のスタジオ音源など多数収録されてます!
そして、アメリカではTHE WONDER YEARSやFIREWORKSを筆頭に大きくなりつつシーンではありますが、日本ではまだまだPOP PUNKシーンの規模は大きいとは言えず、このようなコンピレーションの存在やバンドを知らない多くの音楽ファンがいると思います。この機会に周りにも広めてみて下さい!
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